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ELITE E-CON Culling Tags     ELITE E-CON Tag MOD Kit  
ELITE E-CON Culling Tag Kit

- A locking version of the E-CON Culling Tag system that puts zero pressure on the lower jaw at lock

- Easy on, easy off

Quantity:    @ $42.99

- Convert existing culling tags to use new ELITE ECON locking tag that puts zero pressure on the jaw when locked

- Easy on, easy off

Quantity:    @ $27.99

Weight Recorder     Digital Weigh Scale  
Weight Recorder
w/Mounting Braket

- All Plastic, No Parts to Rust.

- Dials Lock into Place Securely and Will Not Shake Out of Position.

- Livewell Mounting Bracket.

Quantity:    @ $36.99
Digital Weigh Scale

- Scale weighs in 100ths of a lb with a hold function. 55lb/25kg, 38’’ Tape Measure in Handle. Water resistant, Auto shutoff and oversized weigh hook.

Quantity:    @ $35.99

Mini Grip        
Mini Grip

- Using the same style clip as the E-CON tags, this adaptor clips onto the fish and hooks on your scale for weighing fish without using a hook that could harm the fish.

Quantity:    @ $12.99



    Weigh-In Bag w/Removable Mesh Insert    
- Designed to perform multiple function for taking your fish to weigh in

- With a mesh insert in the bag, you can just pull the mesh liner out with the fish in it and simply set the mesh bag into the dip tank so fresh water can circulate through it while waiting in line

- The “Weigh Master” can use the mesh bag to weigh fish in so the fish are less stressed from being handled. Simply hand the mesh bag of fish back to the angler, putting the mesh bag in the water he carried up to the tank and taking the fish to the release boat.

- Less handling, less mess and less time the fish are stressed.

Quantity:    @ $39.99

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